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Why Sectigo?

HOME > SSL/TLS Certificate > Why Sectigo?
1. Sectigo Group, Inc.

  • Sectigo is a CA / Browser Forum member who is accredited through periodic due diligence. It is the leadingcertification authority for the development of Extended Validation Certificate (EV certificate) standardized through CA / Browser Forum.
  • The CA / Browser Forum has standardized 2048 Key size enhancement at key size 1024bit,Sectigo is the first certification authority to apply the 2048 key size first.
Why Sectigo
Sector Sectigo Group, Inc.
Establishment year and establishment place Established in 1998 / UK
CEO Melih Abdulhayolu
Head office location Clifton, NJ, USA
Branch location USA, UK, Japan, China, India, Romania, Turkey etc.
Business division SSL CA, Information security, security software
Sector technology
Browser Compatibility 99.9% CA/Browser Forum
According to international standard
technical specification by regulation
Encryption level 128 - 256 bit Encryption
Key Advanced algorithm Updated December 2009
2048 bit
EV SSL Commercialization Commercialization in 2006 (First proposal of EV SSL at Sectigo)
Issuance period Can be issued after confirming the authenticity of 1-2 days
2. WebTrust and SOC authentication

3. Sectigo Group Affiliate Association
Why Sectigo
Sectigo Group, Inc.

CA/Browser Forum
Purpose Establishment of Internet security industry standards for browser and CA organizations
Establishment of international standards for SSL / TLS protocol
Sectigo role Sectigo Group Founded by CEO Melih Abdulhayolu

Certificate Authority Security Council
Purpose Establish SSL internet security standard, CA operation, Internet security research
Sectigo role Sectigo is a founding member in 2013

Common Computing Security Standards Forum
Purpose Provide Internet security industry standards and protect end users
Security software, operating systems, Internet browser vendors and vendor associations
Sectigo role Founded in 2009 by Melih Abdulhayolu, CEO of Sectigo Group
4. Sectigo Group Affiliate association : CA/Browser Forum Detail

* CA: Certificate Authority abbreviation. Means a certification authority.

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